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Welcome to Our New Beginning!

Dear Valued Patient,

I am filled with enthusiasm as I share the next chapter of our dental care journey. It's a moment of change, growth, and continued dedication to excellence in dental health.

Our New Partnership
I'm excited to announce a significant milestone in our commitment to providing you with the highest quality dental care. We have partnered with Northwest Dental of Corvallis, led by the esteemed Dr. Jonathan Smart. This partnership is a testament to our shared vision of dental excellence and our dedication to your health and well-being.

Why Northwest Dental?
•  Shared Values: Dr. Smart and the Northwest Dental team embody our commitment to providing outstanding dental care.
•  Enhanced Services: Together, we will offer a broader range of dental services, utilizing the latest advancements in dental technology.
•  Convenience: Our collaboration means more flexible scheduling options, making it easier for you to get the care you need when you need it.

A Seamless Transition
This partnership also marks the beginning of a new chapter for me as I move towards retirement. Rest assured, this decision was made with your best interests in mind. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition and to continue offering the exceptional level of care you have come to expect.

Visit Us
To learn more about what this partnership means for you and to explore the expanded services and benefits available, please visit our new website.

Visit Northwest Dental

Dentures - Complete, Partial, & Custom

Rendering of removable partial dentureIf you are missing one or more teeth, dentures can help restore your smile, your ability to chew and speak, and even your confidence. At Gary R. Templeman, DDS, we specialize in both complete and partial dentures. Regardless of which type of denture you need, your restoration will be custom-fit for effective, comfortable, and long-lasting results!

What Is a Complete Denture?

A complete denture is a removable appliance that restores a full-arch of missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw. The appliance generally consists of prosthetic teeth set in a flesh-colored acrylic base. If the denture is for the upper jaw, the base typically extends to the palate, or roof of the mouth, to provide additional support. Dentures fabricated for the lower jaw are usually shaped like a horseshoe to accommodate the tongue.

There are two types of complete dentures: conventional and immediate. Most patients in need of a complete denture usually have a few remaining teeth that require extraction. During the brief healing period following the extractions, the gum tissues may shrink or change shape. For this reason, a conventional denture is fabricated after the teeth have been removed, and the gum tissues have fully healed. This ensures a proper fit.

However, this also means that patients are without teeth during the healing period. To prevent this problem, we may recommend an immediate denture. As the name suggests, we place an immediate denture directly following your extractions. The appliance is made in advance and usually considered a temporary measure.

What Is a Partial Denture?

A partial denture is a removable appliance that restores one or more missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw. Partials offer a removable alternative to fixed bridges. The replacement teeth are typically attached to a flesh-colored base and a metal framework. The framework, usually metal clasps, attaches to the surrounding teeth for support. Some partials utilize internal "precision attachments" for more aesthetically-pleasing results. A partial designed for an upper jaw could also attach to a retainer-like component. This type of partial is often referred to as a “flipper.”

Customized Fit

Dentures these days are more comfortable, durable, and effective than ever before. This is largely due to advancements in technology, materials, and techniques. While developing your treatment plan, Dr. Gary R. Templeman will perform a thorough examination using cutting-edge diagnostic tools, such as digital x-rays, intraoral cameras, 3D imaging, and CBCT scans. The information we collect allows us to fabricate a custom-fit appliance that will look and feel great.

During the procedure, we take impressions of your gum tissues and any remaining teeth (if you need a partial). This impression will be used to create a 3D model of your mouth. Our laboratory technicians will use this model to fabricate your denture with the finest restorative materials available today. These materials ensure your denture is aesthetically-pleasing and highly durable. With the proper care and maintenance, your beautiful new denture should last for years to come!

Schedule Your Consultation Appointment

Find out if dentures are right for you! Call (541) 757-7708 to schedule your consultation appointment.


2055 NW Grant Ave.
Corvallis, OR 97330


Monday-Thrusday: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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Gary R. Templeman DDS, 2342 NW Professional Dr., Corvallis, OR 97330 / (541) 757-7708 / / 4/26/2024 / Related Terms: family dentistry Corvallis OR /