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Welcome to Our New Beginning!

Dear Valued Patient,

I am filled with enthusiasm as I share the next chapter of our dental care journey. It's a moment of change, growth, and continued dedication to excellence in dental health.

Our New Partnership
I'm excited to announce a significant milestone in our commitment to providing you with the highest quality dental care. We have partnered with Northwest Dental of Corvallis, led by the esteemed Dr. Jonathan Smart. This partnership is a testament to our shared vision of dental excellence and our dedication to your health and well-being.

Why Northwest Dental?
•  Shared Values: Dr. Smart and the Northwest Dental team embody our commitment to providing outstanding dental care.
•  Enhanced Services: Together, we will offer a broader range of dental services, utilizing the latest advancements in dental technology.
•  Convenience: Our collaboration means more flexible scheduling options, making it easier for you to get the care you need when you need it.

A Seamless Transition
This partnership also marks the beginning of a new chapter for me as I move towards retirement. Rest assured, this decision was made with your best interests in mind. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition and to continue offering the exceptional level of care you have come to expect.

Visit Us
To learn more about what this partnership means for you and to explore the expanded services and benefits available, please visit our new website.

Visit Northwest Dental

Dental Bridges

Rendering of jaw with dental bridgeUnfortunately, tooth loss is a part of life for millions of Americans. If you are missing one or more teeth, you may be wondering what to do next. At Gary R. Templeman, DDS, we specialize in a number of tooth replacement solutions, including dental bridges. Regardless of which restoration you choose, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. A missing tooth can lead to more serious complications later down the line. Your remaining teeth may shift out of their proper position to accommodate the open space, leading to a malocclusion, or misalignment in your bite.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A traditional dental bridge typically consists of two dental crowns linked together by a false tooth, also known as a pontic. This fixed appliance literally “bridges” the gap created by one or more missing teeth, keeping your remaining teeth in their proper position. It will also restore your ability to chew and speak properly, as well as the aesthetics of your smile

A dental bridge can also be supported by a series of dental implants. Each implant post serves as the root component of a missing tooth, making implant-supported bridges ideal for multiple missing teeth adjacent to one another. In some cases, we may also suspend a pontic between two implants.

Dental Bridge Process

The process of receiving a traditional dental bridge is similar to that of a dental crown. The procedure is usually broken down into two appointments: one for preparation and one for placement.

During your first appointment, Dr. Gary R. Templeman will prepare the adjacent teeth, known as abutment teeth, to receive two dental crowns. This means we will completely recontour the enamel to accommodate the shape of the crowns. Once the teeth are reshaped, we will take an impression of the area.

The impression is sent to our dental laboratory, where our technicians will use it to fabricate your new restoration. This process typically takes a couple of weeks or so to complete. We may give you a temporary bridge in the meantime to protect your newly reshaped teeth.

During your second appointment, we will remove the temporary bridge and place your permanent one. We may need to make some final adjustments to achieve the proper fit. Once we are satisfied, we will secure the bridge in place using special dental cement.

Benefits of a Dental Bridge

Your new bridge will restore your smile to a more beautiful, aesthetically-pleasing state. Most bridges are fabricated using porcelain or some other ceramic. These materials offer unmatched cosmetic advantages. Ceramic can be color-matched to your remaining teeth, and textured to mimic the appearance of natural enamel. It also possesses the same light-reflective properties as natural enamel. As a result, your new restoration will be virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. A bridge also prevents your remaining teeth from shifting out of their proper position, while equally distributing the forces of your bite. If you want to restore your ability to chew and speak properly with a beautiful restoration, a dental bridge may be right for you!

Schedule a Consultation

If you are missing one or more teeth, you may qualify for a dental bridge. Call (541) 757-7708 to schedule your consultation appointment now!


2055 NW Grant Ave.
Corvallis, OR 97330


Monday-Thrusday: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

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